Leave your past behind, step into your God-given purpose, & experience victory. You can embark on your journey of freedom today.


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Hello and welcome! Thank you for stopping by.
We are a husband-and-wife team who are passionate about inner healing prayer and helping people receive freedom from bondage and healing from emotional wounds. Our ministry follows the reliable SEP model (Simple Effective Prayer). This is a straightforward method led by the Holy Spirit that has transformed victims into victors.
Our desire is to witness the body of Christ become renewed and restored to its original design, the way God intended, through the power of prayer together.
This is the heart behind our inner healing prayer ministry.

the simple effective prayer (sep) inner healing model

Let’s face it … We live in a broken world. If you’ve been alive for a while, you likely have experienced some form of brokenness and hurt.
Perhaps the word darts people threw at you left you with heart wounds.

Maybe the sin you committed decades ago still haunts and provokes you, crippling you with guilt and shame.

Or maybe you've faced abandonment as a child. And now your guarded heart keeps you from enjoying healthy relationships as an adult.

What if you could partner with the Holy Spirit in healing the wounds of trauma? Or silence those voices of insecurity and walk into your God-given destiny?

Jesus heals the wounded hearts during inner healing prayer.

You don’t need to remain tied down to the hurts, pains, and regrets of yesterday. Healing the heart is God’s plan for each of us.

It’s never too late.

We have been led by the Holy Spirit to help hundreds of people worldwide receive healing from emotional wounds, including prison inmates. It has been our joy to witness prayer recipients fulfill a future they’ve dreamt about—one they never thought possible.

That is the heart behind our inner healing prayer ministry.

You, too, can shake off the shackles of yesterday and learn how to heal emotional wounds.

You can encounter God’s healing power of love and step into your God-given destiny.

Healing a wounded heart is accomplished by following our Simple Effective Prayer model (SEP) and partnering with the Holy Spirit.

We have trained people across the globe on how to become prayer ministers. This practical approach to inner spiritual and emotional healing is possible through SEP.

If the Lord can use ordinary people like us to help heal the brokenhearted, then He can use you as well.

Ready to push a “restart” button on your life? Sign up for our mailing list. 

understanding healing prayer

Serve as a vessel for God’s healing power of love.

The SEP design guides prayer ministers in partnering with the Holy Spirit and ushering in God’s glory. The Lord does all the work.

Discover a step-by-step method that helps ordinary people become agents of God’s miracle-working power. All you must do is invite The Lord and His presence to take over. Then witness your prayer recipients receive their breakthrough of healing, purpose, peace, and love.

People are desperate. 

Will you be the one who imparts freedom and restoration?

- Michelle J.

I was very blessed by the time that I spent in prayer with Press and Gena.

The SEP model they used to walk me through was very clear, and I left with my heart lighter and knowing that I could continue to use what I had learned as the Holy Spirit revealed more.

- Sjoukje L.

The safe place that Press and Gena provide (even online) made it easy to open up and find a deeper restoration than I had ever experienced.

I found freedom from thoughts that have been weighing me down heavily, and even six months later they haven't been back.

- Phil P.

The prayer ministers did a great job facilitating the session. The application process gave insight and direction to focus on the real issues.

they Made me feel welcomed and comfortable. Had a real Jesus encounter. Highly recommend!